
Friday, November 6, 2015

AKB0048 Episode 2 Review

This episode shows just what direction the show is going in, and I already have a favorite character. Sonata is that necessary randomness this show needed. Linda is also a memorable character. She reminds me of Raine from Tales of Symphonia. That being said, I'm sure nobody was surprised to find out that the blue haired person in the hat was Chieri. I saw that coming a mile away.

The entertainment ban still has not been explained just yet, but Master Chief decided to show up and start shooting at innocent girls because they wante dto join AKB. There must be a pretty good reason to ban idols if they'd go as far as to shoot at 13 year old girls. I don't know why this is happening or what's going on with the little floaty pokemon thing, but it's pretty solid in the entertainment department. Its a fun show to watch.

Somehow the XBox shooting squad didn't seem out of place in this episode, and seeing the girls fight has a certain lighthearted, almost sailormoon esque flair to it. Watching the fight scenes actually makes me wish there was a videogame to accompany this anime. The plot is slowly unraveling, and it appears the floaty pokemon things are used to determine who becomes a member of AKB. Also, If the screenshot below doesn't make you want to watch this show, I don't know why you bother watching anime.

AKB0048 Episode 1 Review

While going through the agonizingly long wait for the release of Genei Ibun Roku #FE for Wii U, I decided to watch the AKB0048 anime to help kill the time.  I definitely was not expecting what I saw in the first episode. There was Gundam like scenes that didn't at all seem like something you'd associate with AKB48. The fight scene seemed like something that would be more at home in a Michael Bay film.

The girls are supposedly renegade idols in a future where there is a ban on idols and entertainment. Its not revealed just yet why there is a ban on entertainment, but I'm assuming it will be explained in other episodes. The main plot device revolves around AKB0048 recruiting girls to be their successors and join the famous renegade idols and even possibly take on the name of their favorite idol. Its too early in the anime to say just where this will go, but so far its actually a lot more entertaining then i'd have first guessed.

The episode ended with a comically over the top "Hey! I showed up at the last possible moment!" anime cliche, which bodes well for the charm of the series. This is still AKB48, and it needn't take its self too seriously with the dark gritty gundam fighting. What I am seeing so far is a pretty entertaining anime that possibly the creators thought wouldn't be noticed without a gimmick, so they added in AKB48. I'd have watched this even if it was not AKB48, and I look forward to see where they go with this series.