
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kokoro Connect Review

Kokoro Connect is a psychological masterpiece. This anime will take you on trip through the human psyche that you will not soon forget. What is it that makes us who we are? Can we still be ourselves if life as we know it were to change entirely? Those questions and more are posed in this anime and answered very thoroughly.

    The story revolves around the students who make up the Students Cultural Society Club who start the anime off with an odd incident of body swapping. An alien with bizarre powers like those of Haruhi Suzumiya's Yuki Nagato, named Heartseed reveals that he is the one behind the incident. Throughout the show, Heartseed creates several phenomena to seemingly torture the StuCS for his own   personal entertainment. The StuCS go through several phenomena such as body swapping, age altering, being forced to act on their desires, having their thoughts shared, and even a near death experience, all for his entertainment.

   Two of the students go through a major breakdown as a result of the incidents, but i won't spoil it for you and give away their names. They began to see the incidents as tests and began to learn more about themselves and what makes them who they are and do the things they do. This is definitely a must watch even for non-anime fans. This anime easily gets the highest rating possible from E-Stranged, a Pineapple!  Now Go Watch It and Enjoy!!!